Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the popular questions asked by our customers. If your question is not answered, please use the form to send us your question and a technical expert will respond ASAP.

  • What's The Difference Between IDS And IPS?

    What is an IDS?

    A tool or software program called an intrusion detection system (IDS) is used to keep an eye out for hostile activities or policy violations on a network or system. It finds possible security flaws by examining system activity and looking for oddities or patterns. It can also keep an eye on audit trails of questionable activity and system records. It alerts administrators when it detects a potential threat so they can take the necessary precautions to stop assaults. To guarantee the availability, confidentiality, and integrity of network system resources.

    What is an IPS?

    An intrusion prevention system (IPS) is a security tool that uses traffic analysis to identify and stop any network threats. It can be software- or hardware-based, and it functions at the network layer. Its primary goal is to detect and stop harmful traffic before it compromises the security of the system or network. IPS may analyze traffic in real-time, identify potential threats, and take action by blocking traffic, notifying system administrators, or severing connections. It does this by using a variety of approaches, including signature-based detection, behavioral analysis, and anomaly detection. IPS makes an effort to block data packets, in contrast to IDS, which just detects and reports data packets. As a result, IPS is somewhat more sophisticated and efficient than IDS.

  • Will Encryption Prevent You from Being Hacked?

    Can Encryption Truly Keep Us Safe?

    Yes, encryption can keep us safe from being hacked. By encrypting our data, we make it so that hackers cannot access it no matter how hard they try. Encryption is like a lock and key—without the key, nobody can get in. For example – E-mail Encryption allows you to encrypt and decrypt any text or file and send them using any media.

    However, encryption isn’t foolproof either. It’s possible for hackers to break an encryption code using sophisticated methods. They can also use malware and other attack vectors to gain access to our devices and networks. So, while encryption is a valuable tool for protecting transferred and stored data and keeping us safe, it’s not a silver bullet that will protect us from every threat,

    The key to staying secure online is having strong passwords, using multi-factor authentication, and regularly updating our software and operating systems. Doing these things can help us mitigate the risks of being hacked even if encryption isn’t able to protect us fully.

  • What Is Firewall And Why It Is Used?

    firewall is a security system designed to prevent unauthorized access into or out of a computer network. Firewalls are often used to make sure internet users without access are not able to interface with private networks, or intranets, connected to the internet.

    A firewall is positioned between a network or a computer and a different network, like the internet. It controls the network traffic coming in and going out of the computer or network. If you do not have a firewall, virtually any data can exit your computer or network, and virtually any individual or program can come in.

  • Why Is Server Security Important?

    Servers play a key role in business-sensitive data processing and storage. Protecting servers from external threats with server security measures is essential for maintaining:

    • Integrity - Server security ensures the accuracy and completeness of the data stored on the server by preventing tempering and accidental modification.
    • Availability - Security measures help system administrators keep the server and its services available for authorized users at all times.
    • Confidentiality - Protection of sensitive data stored on the server prevents unauthorized users from using the data for malicious purposes.
    • Reputation - A security breach can result in data loss or service disruption. These incidents can damage a company's reputation and incur financial losses.
    • Compliance - Big companies are subject to industry-specific regulations that require their servers to conform to certain security standards. Not meeting these standards often results in regulatory fines.
  • What Is Cyber Crime?

    Cybercrime is any criminal activity that involves a computer, network or networked device.

    While most cybercriminals use cybercrimes to generate a profit, some cybercrimes are carried out against computers or devices to directly damage or disable them. Others use computers or networks to spread malware, illegal information, images or other materials. Some cybercrimes do both -- i.e., target computers to infect them with a computer virus, which is then spread to other machines and, sometimes, entire networks.

    A primary effect of cybercrime is financial. Cybercrime can include many different types of profit-driven criminal activity, including ransomware attacks, email and internet fraud, and identity fraud, as well as attempts to steal financial account, credit card or other payment card information.

    As cybercriminals might target an individual's private information or corporate data for theft and resale, it's especially important to protect backup data.

  • How Do Security Ratings Work?

    Each security rating vendor evaluates specific factors and has assigned weightings as to how those factors affect the scale and produced security rating.  

    Cybersecurity ratings scales consider a wide range of factors that contribute to an entity’s security posture. These factors may include software vulnerabilities, patch management practices, network architecture, historical breach data, and more. 

    Several factors are often weighed based on their relative importance. For example, a history of data breaches may carry more weight than the number of open ports on a server. The weighting of criteria helps create a more accurate representation of an entity’s overall security.  

  • What Is The Best Way To Learn Cyber Security?

    For people who are interested in a cybersecurity career or those who want to develop their skills in the industry, a short bootcamp is a good place to start. These carefully constructed programs allow students to deepen their general knowledge of online safety, as well as learning more about specific threats such as Trojan viruses, identity theft, malware and more. You will be trained in building cyber resilience into business systems and be informed of new developments in the world of internet security. Students can choose to graduate within three or six months. Whichever option you prefer, you’ll leave with the expertise necessary to minimize the risk of cyber-attacks.

    Whether you want to develop your existing talent or boost your career with new skills, continuing your education can prove to be a life-changing experience. Here’s a closer look at the best ways to start learning cybersecurity.

  • What Are The Costs Of A Cyber Attack?

    Cybersecurity Ventures expects global cybercrime costs to grow by 15 percent per year over the next five years, reaching $10.5 trillion USD annually by 2025, up from $3 trillion USD in 2015. This represents the greatest transfer of economic wealth in history, risks the incentives for innovation and investment, is exponentially larger than the damage inflicted from natural disasters in a year, and will be more profitable than the global trade of all major illegal drugs combined.

  • Do Mobile Devices Present Security Risks?

    There are billions of smartphone users worldwide, and none of them can completely avoid cyberattacks. Spam, phishing, malicious apps, and ransomware are only some of the threats that mobile device users face today -- and the attack techniques get more sophisticated every year.

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